Students Complete OSHA Training at NFC

MADISON, FL – (June 13, 2024) – North Florida College is proud to recognize and congratulate six students for completing Occupational Safety and Health Administration “OSHA” 10 General Industry training during a three-day course led by NFC and OSHA authorized instructor Bill Eustace.

The students completed the course on June 12 and will receive an OSHA general industry Department of Labor card which does not expire, is required or valued in various workforce-related jobs, and a recognized training standard for on-the-job safety practices. The 10-hour, three-day course specifically focused on identifying, reducing and reporting safety and health hazards in careers such as manufacturing, healthcare and warehousing.

This level of OSHA training serves as an orientation to workplace safety, helps train workers in the basics of occupational safety and health, and is a great steppingstone to additional OSHA training.

For more information on OSHA training or the College’s manufacturing certifications and training opportunities, contact Kim Scarboro in the NFC Career and Workforce Education Center at 850-973-9470 or 


Bill Eustace Class

PHOTO: Students completing OSHA training at North Florida College on June 12 are, left to right, Matthew Tucker, Kamryx Davis, David Caballero, Virginia Leiva, Brandon Floyd and Shalon Watson.